About us


Diversity at Trenkwalder

Trenkwalder attaches great importance to diversity and promotes a culture of mutual respect, regardless of age, limitations, gender, sexual orientation and identity, ethnic or cultural origin and religion. We value our employees as unique personalities and benefit from their different experiences and backgrounds.

Diversity of generations

At Trenkwalder, mixed-age teams work together in many departments and offices, as we benefit from the knowledge, qualifications, skills and perspectives of all employees through cross-generational collaboration. For us, employees are important at every stage of their working life.

Work-life balance

Trenkwalder attaches great importance to practices that make the company family-friendly.We know that our success depends on happy employees, whether they are young people who are about to start a family or employees whose family members need more care and time together. Flexible working hours, teleworking, part-time working, parental leave for both mothers and fathers, or other exceptional leaves of absence to attend to personal matters are increasingly sought when choosing an employer. Trenkwalder supports all employees and finds the right model for everyone.

Equal opportunities for the genders

For Trenkwalder, equal opportunities does not only mean that women should hold management positions. It also means opening up more opportunities for fathers in the area of family life and thus promoting parental leave and part-time work for fathers.

We regularly discuss ways to reduce inequalities with our employees and look for new opportunities for equal opportunities. We recognise that there is always room for improvement in promoting equal opportunities.


At Trenkwalder, we are committed to creating a working environment in which our employees can develop their talents and abilities to the full. To this end, we break down barriers in everyday working life and create individual opportunities to cater to special needs.

This begins with the design of the workplace and continues with individual career planning and raising awareness among team members and managers. In this way, we can optimally promote the potential of our employees.

Cultural Diversity

Cultural diversity in the workplace means that companies are open to hiring employees from different backgrounds, regardless of ethnicity, religion or culture. For Trenkwalder, diversity is one of the important success factors. After all, a variety of mentalities, perspectives and approaches promotes innovation, boosts motivation, prevents social discrimination and promotes equal opportunities.

Sexual orientation & gender identity

An employee's sexual orientation and identity is a matter for each individual and it is up to him/her how to express it. At Trenkwalder, everyone is allowed and encouraged to be who they are and to express themselves as they wish. Because only an open-minded and open corporate culture releases synergies and promotes equal cooperation. This benefits employees and the company in equal measure.